Pfeiffer Vacuum plans to invest €75 million in its Annecy location in France

Pfeiffer Vacuum, announced a seven-year, €75 million investment plan for its Annecy site at the “Choose France” summit for foreign investors.CEO Dr. Britta Giesen had the honor of attending the “Choose France 2023” summit in Versailles on May 15 at the invitation of French President Emmanuel Macron.

The international investor meeting brings together hundreds of executives from major international companies every year. The goal of this summit is to stimulate international investment in France. “Our investment plan will serve to modernize and digitalize our production in order to continue our growth. We want to double the operations of our French subsidiary with a sales target of €600 million by 2030 and create 100 to 150 additional jobs,” emphasized Dr. Britta Giesen, CEO of Pfeiffer Vacuum.

During the same period, the Group intends to accelerate its course to reduce its CO2 emissions in Scope 1 and 2 to net zero by 2030. “Reducing our CO2 emissions should also motivate employees, suppliers and customers to develop innovative solutions for environmentally friendly technologies,” adds Dr. Giesen.

Pfeiffer Vacuum’s location in Annecy has the advantage that most of its employees live nearby. “This allows us to reduce commuting and encourage the use of public transportation. Today, 20 % of our employees already come to work on foot or by bicycle. It’s excellent that even some no longer own a car,” says Guillaume Kreziak, the managing director of Pfeiffer Vacuum SAS, the group’s French subsidiary.

Source: Pfeiffer Vacuum GmbH

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